
Wit + Whimsy

Wit + Whimsy: the Photographs of Kenneth Josephson


Figge Art Museum, 14 October 2014 - 7 February 2015

Kenneth Josephson’s black and white photographs often layer pictures within pictures. Other times, he creates visual puns that utilize whimsical pictorial devices to capture the attention of the viewer. The dry wit of the neutral titles themselves add to the droll conceit. These devices function as facilitators, propelling the viewer from a chuckle to ponder larger questions. Built upon a framework of Conceptual art, Josephson’s photographs challenge conceptions of truth and meaning in photography. His photographs task the viewer to look beyond the surface and expectations of the photographs, drawing them in first with humor, but quickly transitioning that humor to the larger questions of what one expects from a photograph and how one interprets its meaning. 

This exhibition included classic works from Josephson's oeuvre, as well as some of his more recent investigations into the medium.